Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thoughts and Prayer

Today I was going through some journal entries from months ago.  I came upon this entry from 5-1-2014.  This was the first time I sat and met my new good friend Rebecca.  And after that meeting, the fire I already had, was confirmed to burn eternal.  I just wanted to share this tonight.

This is it.  No more telling myself I can't do this.  Through God I will spread His love and I will help bring lost women to Christ.

As Rebecca told me today, I need a room.  Just a room.  Let me make a small plan.  Oh the plan.  Oh His plan.  So, what's the plan Lord?  It's not my plan, it is HIS plan.  You will provide!!!  
So my prayer tonight is this -
Father God, only YOU know my heart.  Only YOU know my passion and love to serve others. YOU know my heart bleeds easily and I so hurt when I see people that need to be loved.  If YOUR will is for me to minister to women that I can love on and comfort through YOU...then let is be.

If it is YOUR will, YOU will make a way.  I love YOU Jesus, I love YOU Father.  Thank you for opportunity.  AMEN.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting blog. A lot of blogs I see these days don't really provide anything that attract others, but I'm most definitely interested in this one. Just thought that I would post and let you know.
