Friday, August 15, 2014

Sharing His Love

What are we sharing with others?  Whether directly in our lives, or just in passing by someone.  What really do we contribute and share?  Daily, as hard as it is sometimes, I do my best to let atleast 1 person know they are appreciated, or just smile at someone.  I often even find myself asking a bird in the parking lot "how is your day today birdie"?  I never said I was sane...hahah:)

Today,  I found myself purposely putting a smile on my face walking around the office.  A co worker asked why I had such a big smile on my face.  My response...It's better than the alternative.  Which meant that I was frusterated, and instead of getting upset I was going to force myself to smile. I figure a smile is more inviting than a scowl, so I might as well smile on.

My point is, are we really sharing the love of Christ in our everyday lives?  Now it would seem a bit creepy if we all walked around shaking everyone's hand and screaming Jesus love you to everyone that we come in contact with.  But what I am driving at here is that in order to bring people to Jesus that don't know Him, the real Him, we must show His love.  Ask the person at the grocery store how their day is going, if they have a negative answer, give them a positive word of hope.  If you see a senior citizen in need of help, take that 5 minutes out of your day to walk over and give a helping hand.

At the end of the day when I go to sleep, I want to know that I shared the love of Jesus.  After all, if we don't then who will?”>Faithful Bloggers</a>

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Hearing My Father

Text to my best friend this morning:

Is it crazy to say that I am desparate for God's presense?  I have felt so down this morning, so I started reading. And it just hit me, I am down because I need to be filled.  Does this make sense I asked?  

All of a sudden I got this clearing in my mind that what I needed was a hug from my Father.

This week had been so crazy and busy that when I finally had a moment to just "be", in the quiet , He spoke so clear that I just needed to rest in Him.  I was so moved by the clear voice, that I broke out in tears followed by laughter.

At this moment in my walk with The Lord, I am experiencing clairity like never before.  Watching Him work right in front of my eyes, and my ears are open more than ever.

Rev 3:22 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

Friday, August 8, 2014

Rock Collection

Cute little thought while driving home after my workout tonight.  This actually made me laugh out loud.

Next time someone gossips, condems, or points a finger at you.  Smile at them and tell that person that you will "Add that to your rock collection". 😁

I know God has a sense of humor.

John 8:7New American Standard Bible (NASB)

7 But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Cross

I am here, he said.  I never left you.

Look up child, that's right.....I have always been here.

I could see His white robe, so white it was blinding.  He walked right in front of me, out of nowhere he appeared.  His spirit was a force unlike anything I had ever felt.  The only word that I can use to describe His spirit is CLEANSING.  It was ALL gone.  All those years of sadness, torture, sickness, vulgarity....GONE.  

He lead me to the cross......and that is where I left 18 years of grief and self destruction.  At The Cross.

Mark 8 27-29
27 Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, “Who do people say I am?” 28They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.” 29 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ.”

Monday, August 4, 2014

Going Home

I want to go home, I want to go home.  This was quite a regular statement to flow from my lips for many years.  This I would cry out in a crazed stupor, or after a night of having too much fun.  No matter where I was, or who I was with, when I had "too much" I would cry out I want to go home.  Time after time, the same behavior over and over, with the same results.  Let's party, let's get into trouble, let's just do what feels good.  And again, same results.......hurt, disgust, sadness, and pain.  Not only on me, but the people directly in my life.  But who cares, its all about me.  Me me me.  After all, there is so much pain inside of me, I don't care who I hurt, or leave behind.  I just want to run, run far away from it all.  The pain that came the day my my dad was taken from this world.  That would be the day that would change a 15 year old girls life forever.  That is the day that would lead me into a state of carelessness and self destruction.  If only someone would have asked me if I needed counciling, shake me around, and just step in.  But, that wasn't what God had planned for me.  From 1991 to 2009, my journey home began.  It was a journey that took me from Wills Point Texas, to Maine, Michigan, North Carolina, and back home to Texas.  I chose the broken road, the road not easily traveled.  I had to run.........I had to find my FATHER.

(Psalms 30:2 NKJV) O LORD my God, I cried out to You, And You healed me

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Next Steps

Too often lately I am up past my bed time trying to figure out how on earth I am going to reach women to share the love of Jesus Christ.  How can I reach women with Christ's love, how can I empower women through my life lessons that finally brought me home to Jesus? Truth is, I am not going to be able to reach these women.......Christ will reach these women through me.  When it is His time, He will pave the way.. This is NOT for my glory, it is all for HIS glory.  I am just a women that had a very sinful, broken and long 10 year stretch of adult life, not to mention a not so fun childhood.

These next few weeks, I am going to listen closely to His voice to guide me into this next season.  In the last month, there have been doors opened that only God can open.  And I want to make sure that I step back, listen to Him, and obey.  My flesh says now now now, but my spirit says, wait on Him.  Let The Lord show you.  And oh boy,  He is showing me big time.

This crazy life I was given isn't for me to understand or question.  But it was given to me for a purpose.  And I know that purpose is to bring women to Christ...NO MATTER HOW SINFUL their lives have been, or may still be.  After all, we are all sinners.

Walk in faith, I will.  Listen to His voice, I will.  Spread His love, I will.  Give BIG hugs, I will.

Romans 8:1

 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.